NIDS Commentary 2019
- European Security and the British, French, and German Initiatives in Operational Domains
- TANAKA Ryosuke
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- High altitude ElectroMagnetic Pulse (HEMP) Background leading to the signing of the Executive Order by the President of the United States United States in 2019, and future outlook
- ICHIMASA Sukeyuki
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- Philippine Visit by Emperor Emeritus and Empress Emerita as the Culmination of Their Journey to Pay Tribute to the War Dead
- SHOJI Junichiro
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- Fleet reviews - Features of the Imperial Japanese Navy, Maritime Self-Defense Forces, and Foreign Navies
- EIFUKU Seiya
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- The Debate over Japan's Rising Sun Flag
- SHOJI Junichiro
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- China's 2019 National Defense White Paper and Intelligent Warfare
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- China and North Korea Strengthen Bilateral Alignment via Shared Concept of "Denuclearization"
- WATANABE Takeshi
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- Pakistan-Russia Relations: Developments and Limitations
- KURITA Masahiro
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- Commencement of the New Putin Administration and its Strategy
- HASEGAWA Takeyuki
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- "Belt and Road" vs. "Free and Open Indo-Pacific": Competition Over Regional Order and ASEAN
- SHOJI Tomotaka
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- Maritime Security: Policies and Measures Seen in the Third Basic Plan on Ocean Policy and their Characteristics, etc.
- EIFUKU Seiya
The past NIDS Commentary is here.