Security Studies, Regional Studies-Areas of Expertise
Areas of Expertise
Arms Control
Disarmament and Non-Proliferation
Security Studies
Education / Career
B.A. in Liberal Arts, International Christian University
M.A. in International Public Policy, Osaka University
Special Advisor, Permanent Mission of Japan to the International Organizations in Vienna
COE Research Assistant, International Christian University
Research Fellow, Center for the Promotion of Disarmament and Non-Proliferation, Japan Institute of International Affairs(JIIA)
Ph.D. in International Public Policy, Osaka University
Adjunct Lecturer, Ryotokuji University
Research Fellow, the National Institute for Defense Studies(NIDS)
Adjunct Lecturer, Otsuma Women's University
Senior Fellow, Policy Studies Department, Defense Policy Division, NIDS
Assistant Director of International Exchange Programme
Visiting Scholar, University of Cambridge, Department of Politics and International Studies (POLIS)
Selected Publications
"Reassessing the "Nuclear Winter" Theory: Current Research on the Climate Effects of Nuclear War and Its Implications for
Security and Nuclear Deterrence, "
Security & Strategy, vol.3, January 2023, pp.2-18.
"Prospects for the UK's nuclear arms control and non-proliferation policy after the publication of the integrated review of 'Global Britain in a competitive age' "
NIDS Commentary, no.167, March 31, 2022.
"Nuclear Weapon States, Nuclear Umbrella States, and the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW)"
NIDS Journal of Defense and Security, No.20, December 2019.
"Japan's Nuclear Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Policy: Multilateral Approaches, Regional Efforts and Region-to-Region Cooperation."
Takako Ueta and Eric Remacle eds. Tokyo-Brussels Partnership: Security, Development and Knowledge-based Society, Bruxelles: Peter Lang Publishing Group, 2008, pp.203-218.
"Early Entry into Force of CTBT for Future NPT Regime: Challenge for Renovation of Verification in the Post DPRK Nuclear Test 2006."
"Reassessing the 'Nuclear Winter' Theory: Current Research on the Climate Effects of Nuclear War and Its Implications for Security and Nuclear Deterrence"
"Rethinking Theories of the Security in the Second Nuclear Age"
International Relations, vol.203, March 2021, pp.17-32. (English abstract attached)
"Dismantling and Disposal of Nuclear Warheads and 'Verification Approach by a Coalition of Willing': A Study on the Development of the Verification System for the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW)"
Kensyoukanou na Chousenhantou Hikakuka ha Jitsugendekiru ka [Possibility of Verifiable Denuclearization of Korean Peninsula]
Tokyo: Shinzansya, 2020.
Kakujikken Kinshi no Kenkyu: Kakujikken no Senryakuteki Gani to Kokusaikihan [A Study on the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban: International Norm and its Strategic Implications]
Tokyo: Shinzansya, 2018. (2019 Saeki Kiichi Prize Awarded by the Japan Association for International Security)
"Tactical Nuclear Weapons: Next Challenges of Nuclear Arms Control and Disarmament"
The Journal of International Security, Vol.40, No.4, March 2013, pp.71-85.
"Negotiating Arms Control, Disarmament and Non-Proliferation and the UN System: An Essay on Structural Collision between Haves and Have-nots of the Nuclear Weapons."
"Norm Building by the UN Security Council: UNSCR 1540 and Governance of WMD Non-Proliferation."
International Relations, No.155, 2009, pp.61-75. (English abstract attached)
Kakujikken no kinsi to kensyo [Prohibition and Verification of Nuclear Test Explosion]."
Masahiko Asada and Hirofumi Tosaki eds. Kakugunsyuku Fukakusan no Hou to Seiji [Law and Politics of Nuclear Disarmament and Non-Proliferation], Tokyo: Shinzansya, 2008, pp.223-245.
"Pursuit of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation through non-military means: Case of Korean Peninsula"
Paper presented at the JAIR Annual convention sectional meeting C-7 Peace Studies (Kobe, October 28, 2017, Japanese.)
"Reevaluating Threats of High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse (HEMP): A New Challenge to the Recent Arguments on Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons"
Paper presented at the JAIR Annual Convention Sectional Meeting B-5 International Security I (Sendai, October 30, 2015, Japanese.)
"A Framework for Verifying the Dismantlement and Abandonment of Nuclear Weapons: A Policy Implication for the Denuclearization of Korean Peninsula."
Paper presented at the 32th Annual Meeting of INMM Japan (Tokyo, 11 November 2011, Japanese.)
"Prevention of Nuclear Proliferation and New Nuclear Danger."
Paper presented at the International Nuclear Security Seminar organized by the Korea National Defense University (Seoul, 22 June 2011.)
"A New Perspective on Building the International Norm for the Nuclear Free World."
Paper presented at the Peace Studies Association, Autumn Conference (Kyoto, 29 November 2009, Japanese.)
"Nuclear Sharing under the Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime: NATO's Experience and Its Implications."
Paper presented at the Japan Association of International Relations Annual Convention on (Kobe, 6 November 2009, Japanese.)
"Strengthening of Capacity Building for the Future On-Site Inspection Readiness: How to Apply Lessons Identified through the Post-Integrated Field Exercise (IFE) Review Processes?"
Paper presented at the 16th CTBTO On-Site Inspection Workshop (Wien, 6 May 2009, English.)
"Significance of NTM Verification in the Executive Organ Established for the Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Treaties."
Paper presented at the 28th Annual Meeting of INMM Japan (Tokyo, 8 November 2007, Japanese. *Co-authored.)
"Japan and the International Efforts on Non-Proliferation."
Paper presented at the international conference on "EU and Japan: the Emerging Challenges for the Middle of the Decade 2000-2010." (Brussels, 28 November 2006, English.)
"How to Protect the OSI Confidential Information."
Paper presented at the 11th CTBTO On-Site Inspection Workshop, (Canberra, 14 October 2005, English.)
Annual Reports (English)
"2020 Edition Hiroshima Report - Evaluation of Achievement in Nuclear Disarmament, Non-Proliferation and Nuclear Security in 2019"
Published by Hiroshima Prefecture / Center for Disarmament, Science and Technology, Japan Institute of International Affairs, March 2020. (Author of Chapter3 Nuclear Security)
"2019 Edition Hiroshima Report - Evaluation of Achievement in Nuclear Disarmament, Non-Proliferation and Nuclear Security in 2018"
Published by Hiroshima Prefecture / Center for the Promotion of Disarmament and Non-Proliferation, Japan Institute of International Affairs, March 2019. (Author of Chapter3 Nuclear Security)
"2018 Edition Hiroshima Report - Evaluation of Achievement in Nuclear Disarmament, Non-Proliferation and Nuclear Security in 2017"
Published by Hiroshima Prefecture / Center for the Promotion of Disarmament and Non-Proliferation, Japan Institute of International Affairs, March 2018. (Author of Chapter3 Nuclear Security)
"2017 Edition Hiroshima Report - Evaluation of Achievement in Nuclear Disarmament, Non-Proliferation and Nuclear Security in 2016"
Published by Hiroshima Prefecture / Center for the Promotion of Disarmament and Non-Proliferation, Japan Institute of International Affairs, March 2017. (Author of Chapter3 Nuclear Security)
"2016 Edition Hiroshima Report - Evaluation of Achievement in Nuclear Disarmament, Non-Proliferation and Nuclear Security in 2015"
Published by Hiroshima Prefecture / Center for the Promotion of Disarmament and Non-Proliferation, Japan Institute of International Affairs, March 2016. (Author of Chapter3 Nuclear Security)
"2015 Edition Hiroshima Report - Evaluation of Achievement in Nuclear Disarmament, Non-Proliferation and Nuclear Security in 2014"
Published by Hiroshima Prefecture / Center for the Promotion of Disarmament and Non-Proliferation, Japan Institute of International Affairs, March 2015. (Author of Chapter3 Nuclear Security)