New Horizons of the Nuclear Age, edited by Ichimasa Sukeyuki, pp. 73-135. Tokyo: National Institute for Defense Studies, 2024 (Originally published in Japanese by the National Institute for Defense Studies in 2024).
Security & Strategy, vol. 1, January 2021, pp. 83-101 (Originally published in Japanese in Boei Kenkyusho Kiyo [NIDS Journal of Defense and Security], vol. 22, no. 1, November 2019).
The NIDS International Workshop on Asia Pacific Security, 2017: Security Outlook of the Asia Pacific Countries and Its Implications for the Defense Sector, edited by the National Institute for Defense Studies, pp. 137-145. 2017.
NIDS Journal of Defense and Security, no. 13, December 2012, pp. 53-77 (Originally published in Japanese in Boei
Kenkyusyo Kiyo [NIDS Security Studies], vol. 14, no. 2, March 2012).
Kakujidai no aratana chihei [New Horizons of the Nuclear Age], edited by Ichimasa Sukeyuki, pp. 75-140. Boei Kenkyusyo [National Institute for Defense Studies], 2024.